I am sure like me your inbox is a constantly flooded with bits, bobs, offers and random updates from apps you downloaded 10 years ago and never got round to deleting so I just wanted to start this very short note by saying thank you, so much, for subscribing to the good fight.
I am beyond chuffed to have so many of you here and I’m really excited to get going with it.
I’ve said this in various places, but thought I would tell you a little bit about how it will (hopefully) work. Every month I’ll send you through one big piece that focuses on a person, group, organisation or movement doing incredible things. The people who are out there working tirelessly to make things better for themselves, their communities and the world. I’ll aim to send these out towards the beginning of every month so expect this in the first week of February.
I’ll also, from time to time, send through bulletins about protests, actions, workshops and the like that you can get involved with as well as updates, news, court rulings and links to big things going on that may not otherwise get through the noise. There will be times, like during the inspiring mobilisations against the far right last summer, where I’ll send through handy guides to your rights or protesting so you’re as best equipped as possible to get involved.
I believe that we are better together and so, as much as possible, I would love for this space and thing that I’m building to be as collaborative as it can be! I want to hear from you about what you want to see, the stories you think need telling or the people, groups, organisations and movements you want to learn from. Likewise, if you yourself are involved in organising and want your event, protest, action, healing circle etc. to be included here please do let me know!
You can get in contact with me by clicking the button below or email me directly on bencsmokefreelance[at]gmail[dot]com. (If you are part of a group or organisation who has a press list, please feel free to put me on it!)
I think that is all for now other than to once again say thank you so much to all of you who have subscribed, and a special thank you to those who have become paying subscribers. The content here will always be free, but if you have £4 a month to spare, it will really help me to dedicate more time to building something that works as a proper useful resource for us all!
I don’t know if this is the right button to get a paid subscription but I’ll put it here in the hope it is. If it’s not, it’s probably quite intuitive (somewhere? Maybe!)
Thanks so much again, in solidarity,
ben x
P.S. from time to time I’ll give you little updates of other pieces of work I have done (I hope that is ok!) I’m sure like me you have all been sickened at the way the abuse scandal has been weaponised in the last couple of weeks. I wrote about the experience of watching that happen, why so many of those up in arms are just brazen opportunists and why survivors deserve so much more…